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How Pinterest Keyword Tool Can Help You Improve Your Health -2020( latest)

 Hey there! Want to learn how to do keyword research for Pinterest the right way?   Which keywords you should target and how to find them? What is the best Pinterest keyword research tool? I've got you covered with all these questions And stay with me until the end of this video because I till tell you how you can get my Pinterest SEO Checklist for free! So you can get started on Pinterest with the right search engine optimization strategy.   

All the keyword research methods and tools I will mention in this video, are free. So it's really easy for anyone to start driving organic traffic from Pinterest. One of the keys to getting consistent traffic from Pinterest is search engine optimization. I talked about Pinterest SEO in detail in another video you can click on the Info sign on your right top corner to open that video and watch it later. 

Before we jump into all the details Let me tell you this. If you are new on my channel And you want to learn all about driving traffic from Pinterest Subscribe and hit that bell button for notifications. And I will welcome you personally on the channel if you just leave a short comment I subscribed to (below the video). Pinterest Keyword Tool 

 It has features of both: of a social media site and of a powerful visual search engine. And user experience on Pinterest consists of 2 main types of activities. The first one is scrolling down the SmartFeed. like I'm doing now, and just seeing some pins from the people that you follow or some pins related to the topics that you recently searched for. 

And the second type of activity is when people are actively searching for a specific keyword on Pinterest. And the pins that have the highest quality based on multiple factors that Pinterest's algorithm evaluates. Even though some popular keywords will be very similar to the keywords that you will find using some Google keyword research tools, it doesn't mean that overall, the keywords on Pinterest are exactly the same as on Google. 

In fact, according to Pinterest's official stats, which they published in their blog on Medium, in fact, nearly 75% of all queries are just 1-3 words. So, user behavior on Pinterest, the search user behavior is completely different from what we are seeing on Google. Pinterest Keyword Tool 

 Keywords on Google are usually much longer. People are using longer keywords because Google suggestions are longer than on Pinterest don't forget that 80% of Pinterest users are on mobile devices. they are using the Pinterest app. And on a mobile device, it's simply not so convenient to type in a very long keyword. even if you type a short keyword, then this colorful Pinterest suggestions will lead you to one of the popular keywords that Pinterest has already here. 

So let's have a look at the various ways you can do keyword research on Pinterest specifically. And the first and most intuitive way of finding popular keywords related to your focus keyword is just by typing the main keyword and then looking for whatever suggestions Pinterest has over here. 

And usually, the suggestions that are on the top are the most popular ones, and then you can also search for suggestions, by actually creating a search query and just clicking Enter, and then Pinterest will give you the suggestions in these colorful boxes. 

And here you will see that from left to right the boxes are showing the most popular keywords on the left. And if you are on a desktop computer, if you scroll a little bit through your search results, you will find additional keywords related to your main keyword they will be also in these colorful boxes. They will not necessarily have this exact keyword that you typed in, but they always will be somehow related.

 And it's interesting because they can give you additional ideas for the future content that you might create on your site.   If you have a business account on Pinterest, you will have this option called Pinterest ads. So, from here, all you have to do is pretend that you are going to create an ad. So you will click Create an ad. Don't worry, you will not actually complete ad creation and you will not pay anything for it. 

Pinterest Keyword Tool
Pinterest Keyword Tool 

So just pick any type of campaign, it doesn't matter. Let's pick the Traffic campaign. Let's put any number of the daily budget.   And then will go Continue. And from here, you don't need to do anything at all, you will probably have nothing here because you are not running any campaigns, but what you need to scroll down to, is this window where you have keywords and you can extend your search by looking for some keyword suggestions on Pinterest.

 As you can see on the right side, Pinterest is going to show you the monthly search volume for every keyword suggestion. that you see here, and some of them will be pretty broad. And you will see that all vegan recipes obviously is a very broad keyword.

 And then you will see that some of them less than 1000 keyword search volume per month and the others are pretty broad. And in my experience, targeting the keywords that are more popular and have higher search volume on Pinterest, is a very rewarding strategy because like I said, 

75% of all searches on Pinterest are short keywords, and because of the behavior of Pinterest users and the intent of the Pinterest users is different from what you could see on Google, on average, a Pinterest user is more open to various types of ideas. Pinterest Keyword Tool 

compared to a Google user who is looking for a specific thing. So, the user intent is different on Pinterest. And that means that people usually will be looking for something wider, a wider topic, an idea, and then they will be going inside that idea using these Pinterest suggestions.

 or simply scrolling down the feed. and looking for any pin that just grabs their attention. In general, if you look at the keyword volumes that the Pinterest advertising cabinet will show you, and compared it to what you can find using some Google keyword research tools, like in my case, I'm using Keywords Everywhere, a browser extension. So this extension is showing me keyword volumes, and I can look for some additional keyword ideas. 

Again, with keyword volumes. And these keyword volumes are pretty precise compared to what Pinterest ad cabinet cat shows us. Like less than 1000, and then from 10,000 to 100,000. And 5+ Million So, it's a very-very wide window. But anyway, it's all that we have for now.

 from Pinterest, in terms of understanding which keywords are more or less popular. And that you know how to find the right keywords to target on Pinterest, you need to learn how to actually use them. in your Pinterest titles, descriptions, on your boards, and on your site. 

And I teach all of this in my course Pinterest SEO Traffic Secrets. you will find a link to it in the description below the video. Now, I do remember I promised you the link to my Pinterest SEO Checklist   which I use for every single pin to ensure that it actually drives me a ton of free traffic from Pinterest. 

So, grab the link to this checklist, in the video description, and let me know in the comments what questions you still have about Pinterest SEO. If this information helped you, make sure to share it with your friends, do the thumb up, and follow my channel. because I specialize in Pinterest marketing and share the most current tips about this platform every Thursday. I will see you in the next videos. 

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